When an employee suffers a workplace injury, there is often a great deal of confusion about what rights the employee has. It is important to know that in Ohio, while an employer can have you examined by a physician of their choosing, an injured worker has the right to visit his or her own doctor as well. It is absolutely imperative that an injured Ohio worker seek treatment from a physician who cares about the medical health of the patient, not just the employer.
The initial treatment provided to an injured worker can either make a claim for medical and compensation benefits go smoothly or cause months of duress. A physician motivated to properly treat an injured worker will be sure to take an accurate and thorough history. By doing so, the doctor ensures that he or she has an accurate record of any prior injuries, a full understanding of the mechanism of injury, documentation of all body parts affected by the accident and the ability to provide the appropriate diagnosis and treatment plans.
Proper treatment and documentation will allow your attorney to get your workers’ compensation claim filed quickly, allow treatment to begin immediately and hopefully get compensation awarded without delay. It additionally benefits your employer in that your physician can initiate the steps necessary to get you quickly on the path to recovery and back in the workforce with the least amount of time off.
Contact the attorneys at Plevin & Gallucci for more information on treatment and compensation following a workplace injury.